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Author Guidelines

1. Registration in the system and subsequent access, through login and password, are mandatory for submitting works, as well as for monitoring the ongoing editorial process.
2. Submission must be made exclusively through the Open Journal System via the website Submissions made via email or postal mail will not be accepted.
3. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal;
4. Submission files must be in Microsoft Word format;
5. In references, the DOI number or the access link (when there is no DOI) must be provided and be active.
6. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements available in the Guides for presenting the text presented in Instructions for Authors;
7. The manuscript must be composed of a maximum of 6 authors.

Original article

Manuscripts of original and unpublished research. Articles must contain a maximum of 60,000 characters with space, including figures, tables, references and attachments (when necessary and indispensable)

Review article

Literature review (Systematic or Integrative): a comprehensive and critical study of the literature on subjects of interest to the development of stomatherapy. Limited to 50,000 characters with spaces.

Theoretical Reflection

They are discursive formulations with a philosophical theoretical foundation on the global situation in which a certain investigative or potentially investigative issue is found. Its length is limited to 30 thousand characters with space.


Texto reflexivo ou informativo sobre um tema contemporâneo de relevância para a estomaterapia, promovendo o intercâmbio de opiniões entre os editores e os leitores sobre trabalhos previamente publicados. Sua extensão limita-se a 30 mil caracteres com espaço.

Experience Report

Clinical Case Report/Experience: A clinical case report or experience report should be limited to exceptional cases or series of cases, which are not a significant sample and are of great scientific interest. Its length is limited to 20,000 characters with spaces.

Letter to Editor

This section publishes letters addressed to the editors of the journal with the intention of clarifying, discussing and commenting on articles recently published by ESTIMA - Braz. J. Enterostomal Ther., expressing agreement or disagreement on the subject addressed, or reporting original research and significant scientific findings. Limited to 10,000 characters with spaces.

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